Origin of the machine tool:Machine tool coordinate system of the zero point, the origin is identified in machine commissioning after completion, is inherent in machine tool.
The machine tool coordinate system:To machine the origin coordinate system origin, is inherent in the machine tool coordinate system, it has uniqueness. Machine tool coordinate system is set up the workpiece coordinate system in CNC machine reference frame, machine tool coordinate system is generally not as programming, only as a reference coordinate system of workpiece coordinate system.
Origin of the workpiece:Convenient for programming in parts, jigs and fixtures on selected a point or the related points, which may also be the knife point.
The workpiece coordinate system:To the workpiece origin zero point to establish a coordinate system, programming, all dimensions are calculated based on the coordinate system.Modern CNC machine can set up multiple workpiece coordinate system, through G instruction to change when processing
The workpiece origin offset:Work-piece with fixture on the machine after installation, the distance between the origin and the origin of the machine tool