Milling machine use wooden cases, each wooden box manufacturer is according to GB7284-98《框架木箱》in producing wooden cases,GB/T13384-92《机电产品包装通用技术条件》and other relevant standard.The above standard for packaging material, structure, moisture content and others made specific provisions.
Packing must also consult SN/T0275-93《出口商品运输包装木箱检验规程》when inspecting the sampling.The machine in the case should be effectively fixed and liner,the appliances and processing have done antirust paint surface should be moistureproof processing, the rust is valid for two years.During the period of storage and railway machine tool products shall be kept of the rolls, temporarily high and should be in open air cushion film covering to prevent rain, water immersion.Box surface gravity, rainproof, keep upright, such as handle with logo should be complete, to ensure that the products are in good condition, when the transportation safety arrived at the destination.